Friday 10 June 2011

50 things

Another meme: 50 things. The instructions being to photograph, or draw, or... something, 50 items within your bedroom. I tried to pick 50 interesting-ish items...
1. A notebook from my last year in compulsory education, with signatures and memoirs from all my companions...

2. My phone. Cannot live without.
3. My iPod. Has become a large part of my daily schedule, if i'm honest.
4. My old iPod. Kept because it was inscribed with the words; "Don't cry because it's over, laugh because it happened."
5. A light-up pen from Paris. From a home stay trip.
6. A bracelet my aunt sent me from Malaysia.
7. Two mugs. Used to be my fathers.
8. A fibre glass car. A gift...
9. A book of bunny suicides. Perhaps the best christmas present ever...
10. The book I read most often from my childhood.
11. Winnie the Pooh tub. I loved that bear.
12. A sketchbook where I scirbble private thoughts and questions.
13. A pen from work experience in London; was very fun!
14. A lion. From a girly day out, named by my ex; 'Liam the Lion'.
15. A mouse. We have a love/hate relationship. (;
16. A painting from my stepmother.
17. My zorbonaut certificate.
18. A cinema ticket from a day that holds some good memories and some bad.
19. The box for a very expensive fountain pen (lost) from my father.
20. A hershey's wrapper. Perhaps the most poignant gift from a (ex)boyfriend? It meant alot...
21. Another gift from an ex. I keep them all...
22. More 'gifts' from an ex...
23. A small rabbit, from my mother.
24. My grandmothers watercolours.
25. (Half way) My glasses, they make reading so much easier... but I don't 'need' them.
26. 3D glasses, from seeing POTC4.
27. Lucozade. I live off it.
28. A letter from my stepmother about my fathers death, kept for years with no clue as to what to reply...
29. A portrait of me by my 2 year old self. Personally I think it's one of my best works...
30. An old silver whiskey bottle, no real meaning, I just like the look of it...
31. Tiddlywinks game. I used to play this ALL THE TIME as a child.
32. - 41. My converses. Yes, I have ten pairs...
42. My cat, she's in my bedroom 99% of the time; sleeping, so i'm allowing her to count as a bedroom object.
43. My fathers stuffed toy.
44. - 45. My stuffed bears. I love them, not going to lie. But I don't sleep with them anymore...
46. A wooden rose from my father.
47. A .... solar powered lady bird. Yes. From a dearest friend.
48. Some lucky ten pence pieces caught in corks, I was always given them at family gatherings... perhaps I look like I need luck?
49. Emoticon stress balls from Deviant Art. I won them.
50. Some yummy-smelling lotions from the body-shop.

So that's it, what do you thing? Any questions? Each one of these holds some sort of memory, perhaps that's why I keep them...

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